Testing server performance

Chong-ho (Alex) Yu, Ph.D., MCSE, CNE


There will be a lot of users hitting the FMP database. I want to make sure that the server is robust enough to handle many concurrent users. How can I simulate simultaneous hits to FMP?


There are software packages that allow you to test FMP as a LAN server and as a Web server. An example of the first type is ThroughputMonitor whereras examples of the latter are TPorts Flood and Pounder II. All of them are very virtually free and easy to use. However, it is important to note that you should test the server while no other users are using it. You can impress your boss by showing up in the office after midnight or during weekend.


To use ThroughputMonitor for testing FMP as a LAN server:

Pounder II

To use Pounder II for testing FMP as a Web server, edit the configuration file according to the comments. Then open Founder II and select Run from Control.

0.9	  #config file version number
test.log  #log file name (no spaces!!!)
1	    #log format. 0=summary only, 1=summary and events, 2=events only
1	    #sequential or random access of the following URLs (0 or 1)
1	    #absolute or random (1-n ticks) delay after access (0 or 1)
N	    #repeat or run N times (0 or N)
40	   #number of simulated clients
#Individual HTTP requests have the following format:
#host IP address, port number, ticks to delay after retrieve, expected response size (0 or N)
#<full request text, cr line ends only>
#@ character
#Note!! No trailing text, blank lines, etc. allowed after final "@" in this file
your_server_name.asu.edu 80 10 N
GET / HTTP/1.0

You can get a free copy of Pounder II if you use WebStar or MacHTTP. For more info please go to www.biap.com

TPorts Flood

TPorts Flood is a hacker software for flooding the TCP port of a server. The software is malicious, but you can use it to find out at what point your server will break down. Using TPorts Flood is very straight-forward. Enter the IP address, the port (usually it is 80 for Web server) of your server, and the number of floods, then click Scan.



If FMP has poor performance, it does not necessarily mean that the database software cannot meet your requirement. You should also check the network configuration with your network administrator to ensure that there is no bottleneck in the network.



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