Retouched Images

Original untouched picture


retouched picture

NoteThe background in the original wedding photo of my cousin is unattractive. I inserted a canvas background and a lighting effect to create a "studio look." The poem is translated as: Her stature is like made of jade. He heart is as nobe as a flower. Fishes sink, birds fall, and flowers close for being shocked by her beauty.

Untouched original


retouched picture

NoteThe picture of my cousin's family was taken in front of a white wall. The background and the banner were inserted using PhotoShop and Paint Shop Pro. Please note that the tie of the father and the suit of the youngest son have been altered. The banner text is translated as "Our family tradition is founded on the Chinese classics."

All graphics and papers in these Web pages are copyrighted by Dr. Yu, Chong-ho



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